Wachse mit Unbridled World!

One day in the Redwoods

The Redwoods was our last stop in nature on our cross-country road trip. We headed towards Oakland in order to catch our flights. I remember that I had learned about these giant trees in school – in geography, biology and even in English lessons. You cannot see the treetops of the massive Redwoods when you look up from the ground. The appearance is unique and I am overly happy that I could experience seeing them in person.

Redwoods trees photo taken from the ground by shooting straight up
See, you can’t see the top of these giants

We were coming from the North – from the Columbia River Gorge – and it was the perfect stop on the way to Oakland. However, for us, it was a bit too pricey because the camping sites are very expensive in California compared to other areas in the USA. It didn’t matter, if you stayed in- or outside the Redwoods National Park or surrounding State Parks. It was always over $20 per night.

Driving around

There are many scenic routes you can take that go through the Redwoods. We almost drove all of them. If you come at the right time, you can even see elks at Elk Meadow.

However, the point was to see the stunning trees closely, which you can’t from a car.

Walking and hiking through the Redwoods

Many hiking trails lead through the forest of the giants. As we did the Redwoods National Park as a one-day itinerary, we only walked the Lady Bird Johnson Grove Trail to get closer to these massive trees.

Picturesque path inside the Redwoods National Park
Picturesque walk

I loved the clean air, the dusty view on the hills in the early morning and the cool shady areas underneath the trees during the day. You feel so small surrounded by these giant Redwoods. Wrapping your arms around it works, but you would cover only a tiny part.

Giant redwoods with a bench

When you stand inside one tree that got hit by lightning and burned out so that they lost the inside, you will feel even smaller – if that’s even possible.

Woman inside a massive Redwood tree
Bears carved from wood
View of the Redwoods forestfrom a hill

Quick Info & Links

Where: California
Entrance fee: Free
Redwoods National Park & State Parks – official website
Camping in the parks
Costs for camping inside the park: $35
Camping & Lodging outside the national park
Hotels nearby

What’s your favorite trail in the Redwoods parks?

Wachse mit Unbridled World!

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